Quadcopter Safety

Can someone please tell me how dangerous the props are on the quadcopters? Can they take your fingers off? Thanks, Jon newbie

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  • I once had an pac prop cut clean through my finger breaking the bone and severing my tendon. The whole event needed dozens of stitches a tendon graft and required three months of rehab. Why are we not insisting on prop covers. They exist and seem to work perfectly well! Anyone who wants to chime in and start a blog on safety of ourselves and others, COUNT ME IN
  • I had a graupner prop (CF) go 0.8 mm into copper sheet metal without as much as a dent. There isn't a thing in the world I respect more than those blades pushing air down.
  • Developer

    GWS style electric props are safer. I've been hit twice with only minor wounds at near full throttle.

    I am considering a propsaver, if only to save my fingers the hassle of being bandgaged.


  • Admin


    The blades, especially APC props, will cut you up like a blender if you come in contact with them: http://aeroquad.com/showthread.php?999-Quad-wounds


    Hope this helps.




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