Quadcopter throttling problem


I need some assistance.  We are using APM2 on a DJI quad.  We have a problem going into first flight.  We have done all the ground tests such as levelling, CLI motor testing and ESC calibration (manual and automatic), but the moment that we give the system some throttle (one click on the stick) while in Stabilize mode, the motors go to maximum speed.  We have repeated the levelling and the ESC calibration and have managed on 2 occasions to not get the aggressive speed response, but we could not repeat it.  We have mounted the quad on a pivot to test the response, but there is no real control action on the motors.  It is as if the motors are simply running at full speed.

Is there any constraint within the ESC calibration or other setup steps that we are perhaps violating that is messing up our setup?

Can any one help...pleeease?


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  • Haha, I was about to post the same thread as I have exactly the same problem, and almost your same setup (APM1.4 and DJI frame). I just reflashed my esc's with simonk's firmware and I thought that was the problem but it works fine if I hook up the ESC directly to channel 3 on the receiver, so the problem must be on the code (V2.7.1 Quad).

    This is in every mode (stabilize, loiter, alt hold) except in acrobatic. In that mode the motors are fine, so my guess is I should change something in the stabilize PID's, but I haven't figured out which parameter yet.

    I'll continue digging to see what I can find, but anyone's help is really appreciated.

  • Check your radio calibration.  If minimal throttle is acting like full throttle you might need to recalibrate.

  • Developer

    can you post your parameter list and a flash flight log downloaded from the APM?


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