Hello all,
I want to do six hope testing(auto mode) and all functionality in indoor area, where gps is not available. so I am thinking to develop local position system and feed data to quad rotor regarding its position. and according to that it maintains its position and follows the particular path.
So any body has started this kind of stuff then help me, and guide me. even 0.1% help is also appreciated.
thanks in advance.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rn0On9aEKg - tracking a drone indoor
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_swkCCcMq5A - tracking a drone outdoor
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8eHhUhc0Z4 - fully autonomous flight
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-ETDc5K_fw - tracking a micro-drone indoor
https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-marvelmind.html - ArduPilot support
https://marvelmind.com/download/#ros - ROS support
Optical tracking is very great, but, usually, hugely expensive.
Research groups are generally using multiple static camera's mounted in a room to track a quads location inside of an building.
Aircraft position determination based solely on inertial data from on-board sensors is not possible at this point int time.