Quanum Nova Calibrating and Return to Home Function

My RTL or RTH mode is not working when I fly.    It doesn't seem to do anything when I set the switches to the RTH mode.    The loiter mode seems to work fine so I know that some of the switch commands are getting through.    There are two possible issues:

1. I seem to be unable to get it to go into calibration mode.   I apply power to the Quadcopter (QC) then immediately (within 5 seconds) power on the TX while holding the right stick all the way to the lower right.   I should see the left light flash alternately red and yellow but this never happens.   Since I can't enter calibrate mode I can't calibrate the magnetometer and this may be a contributing factor.   In any event, if the compass is not calibrated then the RTH function won't be able to get a good heading for return.

2. The QC has five modes which can be selected by combinations of SW A and B.   When I go into Mission Planner and look at Flight Modes there are 6 possible modes.    Do the first 5 correspond to the 5 modes identified in the Mode chart that is provided with the QC?    I tried to set the first 5 to correspond to the modes in the Mode chart but they don't have the same names.    For example, Mission Planner does not have a Manual mode.     Am I missing something here, or am I completely on the wrong track?    Is it possible that somewhere in Mission Planner I have inadvertently disabled the RTH mode?  

If anyone has had similar problems and/or is an expert on Mission Planner I would greatly appreciate some help.   

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  • I have had no replies to this thread.   In the meantime I have been trying to understand this issue.    I found that if I go into Mission Planner the mode selected by the switches is highlighted in green so I can map the switch positions to the Mission Planner flight modes.    Thus I find that:

    SW B       SW A   MP Mode     MP Setting     Quanum Nova Mode
    0                0             4              Stabilize         Manual
    0                1             6              Loiter             Stable (Hover)
    1                1             5              Stabilize         Fl Direction Locked    (Simple Mode checked)
    1                2             2               Alt-Hold         Altitude Sensor
    0                2             1               RTL                 One Key Rtn to Home

    The mapping of the switches to the modes seems to be clear and the MP settings are the only settings that make sense to me for the desired functionality but I could still be misunderstanding something.    If anyone has comments please let me know.    I have attached a JPEG of the Mission Planner screen as well.

    Unfortunately the quad does not go into calibrate mode when I go through the calibrate mode startup routine so I will continue to work on that but again, help or comments would be appreciated.   

    I hope that all of this is helpful to someone else.

    Flight Modes in Mission Planner.JPG

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