Quaternium Spidex V3 Mapping Quad with Case and Extras

I built this with intentions to get into mapping.  I set it up and played with it a few times but it sits around more than anything.  Comes with everything pictured except for the receiver(free if you want it).  Add your transmitter/configure it and it is ready to go.  Camera is an Canon  S95 and runs CHDK.  It has a 5.8 tx and rx to view what is being shot.  This has t motors and rotorgeeks escs with damped light enabled.  This flies extremely stable with it enabled.  Link to the video below was shot on my cell phone this spring.  It has not been flown since.  I made and added a carbon fiber electronics cover and battery plate.  The switch turns the video tx on and off.  I can find an vtx antenna if needed.  Any questions feel free to ask here or email me at w4hfv@juno.com.

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Jun 30