Question about Ardupilot EZ.


I recently joined DIY Drones and I am a student doing a group project to design an UAV. At the present moment we are still at the research stage trying to get information on all datas. I am just wondering when will the Ardupilot Ez be out and what kind of cost price will be expected for the system?

Thanks! Sorry for any trouble!


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  • Developer
    Hey Wei,

    I hadn't seen that info. It looks as if the name Ardupilot EZ has been moved from the old turn rate limiter project to the new "less capable" autopilot project. It should be similar to ArduPilot Mega + oilpan(shield), but lack the hardware for many of the features such as the data logger, relay, possibly the pressure sensor, etc. Also, it may not support as many servos.

    If the hardware is released in Q1 2011 then software will probably be available in Q2
  • Developer
    If by Ardupilot Ez, you mean the simple turn rate limiter autopilot that was discussed about a year ago, that project has been scrapped. The component prices for gps and gyros/accelerometers came down fast enough that it did not make sense to do a single gyro based system.

    I beleive Jordi is working on hardware for a smaller, slightly less capable autopilot at a lower price point than ArduPilot Mega, but I don't know how soon that will be released.
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