Questions about Calibration

I will tell you my procedure to calibration:


1. First, I go to CLI accels calibration with the APM/shield placed on a flat surface and I write the values in a paper.

2. I mount the APM/shield on my home made QuadCopter.and open the configurator. After initialize EEPROM and transmiter calibration I go to CALIBRATION and insert values previously obtain in CLI and update. After that I look at the FLIGHT DATA and ARTIFICIAL HORIZON and I can see that my Quad is no perfectly leveled.See the attached photos.3690857163?profile=original3690857258?profile=original

  • First question ¿is it better to do the accels calibration with the APM placed on a perfect true flat surface or mounted on the quad even if its structure is not completely flat?
  • Second question: loocking at ARTIFICIAL HORINZON there is an strange behavior: the botton heading bar is always scrolling, like trying to fix a position that actually never (or nearly never) fix it. I leave you a video about it. It can do it for hours.. but sometimes after a few time the heading is fixed and when the few times it happent, I can move the quad and inmediately the heading is pointed. I am not using magneto and obviously always take care to not move the quad during gyros initialize. ¿is this behavior normal?.


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  • So if I have understood well:

    - About my first question, it is better to do the accel calibrationwith APM onboard, even if the quad is not perfectly leveled. that´s right?

    - About my second question, you say that there is no problem with the heading spining. Ok, but I wanted to know why sometimes the heading is fixed and sometimes is not fixed. I have asked about this behavior because sometimes I have yaw drifting, so I thoughtt it could be a posible explanation.




  • Without a magnetometer, yes, the heading will slowly spin around and around.
  • do it the other way round

    initiallize eeprom in configurator (or in CLI)

    and then do the accel calibration in CLI (with APM mounted in quad)



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