questions PPP algorithm NEO 6P


I currently have a Ublox NEO 6Q but want to achieve a higher accuracy . I was hoping the NEO 6P and its PPP algorithm could help me with this. But I have a couple of questions and i am hoping someone here uses the PPP on the NEO 6P and can answer some questions for me.


Does the PPP algorithm activate automatically when the object is below a clear sky for several minutes or does an input need to be set telling the Ublox to use the PPP algorithm?


The datasheet tells me de object needs to stay in clear sky during a period in the order of minutes, are we talking 2-3 minutes or say 20 (assuming I have >15 satellites locked), could you give me a rough estimation of this?

Will the accuracy increase during this period, or does it only work after the time period?

If my object doesn’t stay stationary but moves a little say 1-2m left, right, up and down because of factors like wind, can the PPP still lock?


And lastly, If my object underwent the full time period and then was moved 10m does it have to readjust everything and go through the whole time period again to be accurate?



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