Radio fail safe parameters DX6i

Cheers everyone!  I have a quick question regarding setting up radio fail-safe parameters for the APM 2.6.  The planner says to insert a value that's 10 higher when tx is off and 10 lower when tx is on.  As you know there's only a single field for parameter entry so i adjusted my endpoints in my tx so power on or off the value is the same (1084 in my case).  Problem is when i go to power off the tx for fail-safe test (my fail-safe is set to RTL) my APM doesn't go into RTL mode.  Any suggestions?  I cant wrap my head around how to set dual parameters with only on entry box!

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  • The throttle fail safe value is actually in the receiver. To program a fail safe value adjust the Throttle end point while watching the values in the Radio Setup screen in MP. When you reach the value you need to trigger RTL shut off your TX & receiver, install the binding plug and rebind the receiver. After you have completed this adjust the end point back to where it was and run the Radio Setup again in MP. If you have done it right you should see the Throttle value fall when the TX is turned off. Hope this helps.

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