I really do not see any reason why I should have the MinimOSD on the plane/copter, if I use 433MHz telemetry radios.
Can't I just connect the 5V, GND, RX to the ground based 3DR Radio, and feed the MinimOSD the data on the ground, getting a clearer OSD, that will keep displaying even when the 5.8GHz video link goes down ? For telemetry, I do not need extremely fast updates. A couple updates per second is probably acceptable.
Doing this, I wonder if I can have multiple 3DR radios listening to the same plane radio ? I.e one for my MinimOSD / FPV and another for a ground station ? Or would I have to split the signal from a single 3DR radio on the ground ?
Yes, you can connect MinimOSD on the ground.
I think you'll need to use single radio.
Now you have two data streams (one via telemetry and one via video with OSD overlay).
The you'll losee one of them.
I don't see why ?
MinimOSD is using RX only. Does not transmit. Inside the plane/copter, I use a split cable to the 3DR radio and the MinimOSD. I surely can do the same on the ground. the 3DR Radio is just a serial port "extender". I see no problems here, except that maybe the telemetry overlay is delayed too much ?
The question is, can I have 3 radios all connected to each other ? Only the one in plane + Groundstation with anything connected to TX, and the one at the MinimOSD with only RX connected (like today in copter) ? Or are they only working in pairs ?
Still have fallback plans, one is to use only 2x radio, one with the minimOSD + a $3 BT or WiFi serial module, which the ground station can use.
Anybody tried overlaying MinimOSD on the video on the ground in realtime ? And how is the experience ?