Raspberry Pi + NAVIO quadcopter

Hi, I have a problem and I was wandering if anyone here could help me...

The thing is, I'm triying to control a quadcopter with the NAVIO+ module connected to a Raspberry Pi B+, and I know that there is the "easy" way, which is described on the NAVIO+ docs, but the thing is that it is for my final university project, and doing it via APM + Mission Planner, although it is an option, is not the only thing I wanted to try.

So I've been investigating and I think (maybe I am wrong) that I have somewhat of an idea on how I want to do it, I have read through the examples, and I know how to read the IMU data, I have written a PID in Python in order to control it, and I know that I have to use pulse modulation in order to control de rotors via the ESCs, but I'm sure I'm missing pieces in here, or maybe it's just that I don't know exactly how to connect everyting properly...

Anyway, that's why I'm asking for help, or maybe just for someone to give me some advice, because I don't know exactly where to go now...

Thank you very much.

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