rc cg for pusher rc configuration

hye! i need some help!please!my rc is pusher configuration. do i need to shift my cg backwards so that it will become tailheavy. the reason is, thrust generated by the motor will counter the the tail heavyness. before this, i have design one. during finding the cg, i see that my rc is stable than after i full throttle the motor, my rc start to dive.please help me!i need some advice!thank you!

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  • Try to launch at 60% or cruise throttle, if it dives lift the rear of the motor higher than the front of the motor, if that does not help then your horizontal tail is too small,

    thus this also i need to deflect my elevator a bit during launching?

  • Moderator


    The CG of the plane is basically the same if its a puller or a pusher its usually between 25% and 30% from the front of the wing. 25% is a good place to start with a new plane and work slowly rearwards until it flies how you want it to, you may need to decrease the control throws as the CG moves back

    What is different on a pusher is the thrust angle of the motor, on a puller the thtust line angle is down and to the right a couple of degress, this is to counter the torque of the motor and the increase in wing lift as the throttle is increased .

    On a pusher the thrust line is usually UP and to the right for the same reasons.

    If your motor is set up at zero thrust line or even pointing down to the rear then the plane will dive as you increase power.

    Adjust the thrust line to prevent this by placing washers under the top motor mounting as required.

    If this is a flying wing then keep the thrust line at zero as you will adjust the way the wing flys by adjusting the reflex of the wing .

    Have fun

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