RC Not Calibrated - Now I'm pissed off....


I can't believe that my 2 Pixhawk's make me a lot of pain. I get a lot of pre arm errors and I have no clue where the hell they come from. Actually I can't eliminate the "Pre Arm RC Not Calibrated" error. In the meantime I re calibrated at least 20 times with no success. Something is definitely wrong with this. I use the 3DR PPM Encoder with a Hott radio. The strangest thing is, yesterday I did a lot of flights without problems, today also 3 flights. After changing the battery, I couldn't arm the copter because the "RC Not Calibrated" shows up.

The other Pixhawk loose sometimes the rc calibration, the compass calibration and the acc calibration. No clue why...

Please help me, I'm really frustrated with my Pixhawk's.

Thanks a lot


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  • Hi, did you fix the problem? How? I had the same problem, but changing the end points in my futaba t10 no alarm at all. It's correct to change the end points to match the PWM range as showed in the message, after RC calibration? I've still not test it on fly.


    • Hi Andrea

      Hmm, it's a long time ago.... I believe I fixed the problem with using the Sum signal from my hott receiver. The ppm encoder was a lot of pain. It never works properly...


  • I'm not sure what's happening with your setup but I have never seen such issue, have you checked all the channels in mission planner when this problem happened?

    • All channels work fine in the radio callibration page. I have also disabled the prearm checks for testing. Whith this i can arm the copter, but the roll funktion dont't work...
      • I guess you may have some issue with the PPM encoder. Try to erase your Pixhawk in terminal then reflash the firmware with your SD card formatted, telemetry disconnected. If the problem still exists then try with another ppm encoder. It could be a good idea to borrow a futaba and try the sbus connection, at least the hardware of your Pixhawk seems fine to me.

        • I will try it but with my hott receiver. I hope it works.

          The reflash of the pixhawk is allready done. Still the same error...

          Thanks for helping me ;-)

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