We've got a couple 2.5 APMs in use they are pretty fun to use.   I tried one in a  delta wing today but during my ground check I found that after I power up the system and it's ready to fly about 20-30 seconds after that I no longer have manual control of the aircraft even though I'm in manual mode.  The aircraft surfaces move as if the autopilot is trying to move them but I have no input.  If I switch to Stabilize I instantly have control back and the Stabilize function seems to be working. 

Failsafes in the Ardupilot are disabled.  JR radio with spectrum receiver and if I remove the autopilot the RC equipment works fine and I'm not showing any receiver hits at the time I lose control. 

I tried a full reset at the CLI and reloaded and calibrated the system again but got the same results.  After 20-30 seconds surfaces don't respond.  They don't come back, switchting to Stabilize get's me control back, then I can return to manual mode. 


I'm puzzled hope you guys can help. 

Configuration info:  APM 2.5 all-in-one with external GPS Arduplane Firmware 2.68.



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  • i got the exact same problem.

    i did not set any fail safe on the transmitter. And no failsafe setting too on APM.

  • Moderator
    Sounds like a rc failsafe , the APM had no RC signal and tried to return to home location, always make sure you tax is on
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6 hours ago