Does RCMAP work or not ? My Devo 10 with DeviationTX and RX615X will always output Throttle on channel 1 no matter how I reorder channels. Using a Walkera RX703A receiver, I will get the output on the right channels. So to use the RX615X, I need to remap the channels in APM (or use many cables instead of PPM). I am using an APM 2.6.

So does RCMAP work or not ? Using 3.2.2, but mission planner shows no changes if I change RCMAP values. The bug could be either the APM:Plane 3.2.2 firmware or just mission planner.

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  • Fixed the issue. The Devo 10 must output the right number of channels for the receiver, otherwise things goes wrong. 

    RCMAP seems to work fine.

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