Recommendations: Conservation Pilot Project

Hi Guys,

We’re starting a conservation project to monitor Rain Forests in Guatemala. We need two fixed wing UAV’s but (here’s the challenging part of the question) under USD$2k each. I had my eye on some models but each of them has its issues, heres my list so far:

  1. Aero from 3dr: not in production because they have their hands full with the new Solo drone.
  2. Techpod: don’t know where to buy this, can’t seem to contact the seller from hobbyuav and can’t find resellers. 
  3. Cyclops: company now serving  different segment so I guess these are discontinued.
  4. Skyhunter: can’t find a UAV RTF.
  5. X-UAV One: loved the design but I don’t really know if there available with an auto pilot system and all product profiles are missing reviews. Anyone has experience with this one?

My preference would be Aero or X-UAV One but any other recommendations are appreciated.I’d also like to use ArduPilot software for ground control station.

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  • Hello Jose,

    My sugestion is the E384LR UAV, is a really great UAV plataform, with best possibilities for autonomous flights, mapping etc, with 100min flight autonomy and up to 1kg of payload capacity into room space.

    The airframe was based in Skywalker 1900mm airplane, an old friend of MILIONS FPV PILOTS around the world.

    Jeff Taylor, the Event38 founder, was part of 3DRobotics staff, he is a lot experiented.

    Just take a look:

    And, pease, mention our recomendation.

    Good luck!

    • Excellent, thanks for the clarification.
    • Thanks, thats pretty much what I'm looking for in terms of tech specs. Any cheaper recommendations will be highly appreciated. BTW I'm not interested in FPV just the auto pilot system.

      • I just comment FPV, to exemplify Skywalker airframe, of E384 :).

        Good luck.
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