Red Board Configuration questions


I successufully configured the UDB Red Board with MatrixPilot software (2_5_1 version) and managed to perform the first tests on Xplane with HILPlugin, but there's still something I did not get yet:

  1. FAILSAFE_TYPE: in both FAILSAFE_RTL and  FAILSAFE_WAYPOINTS if I switch the radio off, the airplane loses control without engaging the autopilot; I would expect the airplane to return to home or follow the waypoints defined in waypoints.h
  2. Waypoints.h: The altitude value during a flight is different from the one defined in the waypoints.h. I think some configuration in altitude hold I made, might be wrong. For istance if a set an altitude of 50 meters for all the waypoints, I would expect to read on the Xplane airplane altimeter during the simulation a value of about 160 feet + x feet for the QNH or QFE correction. The airplane climbs continuosly instead, over 1000 ft.
  3. I would like to eventually integrate the Remzibi OSD. I understand that it can be integrated using a 4Hz GPS Receiver only. This should be exactly the uBlox 4Hz GPS or it can be either the 5 Hz GPS provided by Remzibi in his OSD package? I think it is a standards 5 Hz GPS Receiver.
  4. DEADRECONING: If I set such variable to "1"; the outpilot will perform navigation on IMU only? or it will use BOTH GPS and IMU ?!

I attached the options.h and the waypoints.h I used.

Thank you very much for your support.





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  • Developer



    If you configure DEADRECKONING, then the firmware will primarily fly the plane off of the IMU for both orientation of the plane AND position. However, the IMU will update's it understanding of position from the GPS each time a new GPS position arrives (GPS usually arrives once or twive per second and provides a position from at least 1.25 seconds ago). The IMU (MatrixPIlot on the UAV DevBoard) allows for the delay in GPS readings when it updates it's own position.


    Best wishes, Pete


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