Regulations for outdoor multicopter flight

Hi All,

I have been pursuing a research project at a company (in Netherlands) where I need to occasionally fly waypoints outdoors. The task is an autonomous flight within line-of-sight and and some applications out of it.

My question is the following:

The company is now a bit worried since they do not have a professional license for flying, if something goes wrong then the onus is on them. The company believes that if an incident occurs while flying then the company will be in some trouble. In this regard, I would like to ask:

- Is there a professional license required for research projects within a company for flying (outdoors)? Note that, Indoor flight is never a problem.

- It is fine to fly on a personal basis since you are responsible for your actions. However, in this case, since I am in contract with the company, my actions would indirectly influence the company.

What can we do about it? I am very much aware of the FAA regulations myself, however my project seems to be stalled due to this worry. Any ideas on how to proceed?

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