Released magic smoke from my IRIS+


I'm not sure this is the right forum, but thought I would start here.  I have an IRIS+ that I just love.  I took it out to the park today to introduce some of my son's friends to the joy of flying quadcopters.  However, all did not go to plan and I ended up releasing the magic smoke from the quad.  

Everything started off well.  Put in the battery and waited for the green light.  Armed the quad just fine and everything seemed normal.  Engaged the motors and POOF!  Smoke came billowing out from the quad and I quickly pulled the plug on the battery to shut her down.  

After pulling the bottom cover off, it appears as though I have fried one channel in the ESC.  You can see in the attached image that the positive line for one of the motors has fried, scorching the area around it and damaging a nearby cable.  

I found a couple posts on this forum about similar problems, but I have yet to find a good spot to get a replacement ESC.  It seems as though 3DR does not sell them on their website and I'm not sure who is a reputable dealer to get one from.  I would appreciate any recommendations the group can offer.  I haven't ohmed out the motor yet, but would you recommend to replace that as well?  

Thank you for any help you can offer.  



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  • 3D Robotics

    Please contact customer support:

    • Thank you sir.  I will do that right now. 

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