Hi guys, I would like to ask a really BIG favour of everyone posting videos, in order to help those of us with slow internet connections, could you please post video on utube instead of vimeo? As vimeo stalls while buffering and canot be paused and allow to download before watching smoothly as utube can (vimeo stops D/L'ding when paused). It is realy hard to enjoy your great vids when we can watch 2-3 seconds streaming at a time.

I realize this is a tall order, but upgrading to a faster connection, is not an option at this point in time.

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  • Thanks guys.. anything that will make download times faster and video stream smoother is a major bonus.

    I too remember the 2400 baud dial up modems... very well in fact.. I think I still have a 386 TI laptop with 2400 modem in it, and it still works..LOL


  • Hey,
    I don't like Vimeo either, but one thing isn't true, it does continue downloading when you pause it...
    I just always have the feeling Youtube loads the video faster and isn't as intensive on the computer, i have fast internet, but a crappy laptop :D
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