Return to land

Hi to all,

I intend to operate my autopilot model in a more or less full automated way, a typical mission consisting of a auto take off, a fair number of waypoints and a auto land. For a number of reasons I want to be able to interrupt such a mission by a switch on the RC transmitter in such way that the plane would perform the auto land (as opposed to a RTL).  No radio-link is available.

As far as I can determine, this feature is not available on the current version of ArduPilot (2.68). 
Looking for a while into the Arduino sketches, I though of modifiing the code in order to "highjack" the "reset-mission" command, and have it jump to the last WP (or rather the 2nd or 3rd last WP) in the mission instead of the 1st WP.
Any thoughts ? any advise ?  Some "how-to" would be of interest.. 

Many thanks and all the best,

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  • Hi,

    Ouch, you are getting into the hairiest part of the code: Mission state management and such. There are quite a few globals that get updated from quite a few places.

    You would probably be better off using HIL mode when trying it out!



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