I just received a pair of RFD900+ radios, and was expecting them to work (more or less) out of the box when used in conjunction with my 3DR radios.  But they don't

I used a USB <-> TTL adaptor to connect to the RFD.

I downloaded and installed the RFD tool and checked the settings.

The default baud rate was 57600, the NET ID is 25 and the power was 20dBM (which I changed to 30).

The firmware version is 1.9.  Only the MAVLINK protocol box was checked.

I connected a 3DR radio and checked its settings.

It is set up for 57600 baud,  a NET ID of 25 and a TX power of 20 (which I did not change).  There were 3 check boxes - ECC, Mavlink and Op Resend. I did not change these.

The firmware version states that it is "SIK 1.7 on HM-TRP"

I connected both modems (RFD900+ and the 3DR) to different computers in the same room and brought up a terminal program on each one at 57600 baud.  I expected them to communicate.  But they did not.

The GREEN LED on both the RFD and the 3DR modems were ON.  When I hit a key on computer #1, the RED LED on the RFD 900+ flashed.  When I pressed a key on computer #2, the RED LED on the 3DR modem flashed.

As a final test, I connected the RFD900 modem to my APM controller. I did not change any settings because previously, it had been working with a 3DR modem. Using a 3DR modem on the "other end" (a laptop). I tried to connect using Mission Planner. That didn't work. The modems would not connect.

I'm trying to avoid reflashing firmware if it isn't necessary.  Is there something that I'm doing that stands out as obviously wrong?

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  • Thank you very very much!


  • I have found that the ECC  (Error Correcting Code) setting determines whether or not the two communicate.  It needs to be the same with both units.

  • Immediately after posting this I realised what the problem was, quite obvious now that I think about it to be honest, the 3dr config page was leading me astray.

    Plugged the old sik radio back in, load settings, manually set the air radio settings the same as the rfd900 settings such as ECC and op resend off. Save settings, plug the rfd900 back in and it was working.

  • I am having the same problem, but it's very rare to get a response on DIY drones I have found.

    I spoke to the guys at rfDesign and they suggest that it shouldn't be a firmware problem. I am also using SIK 1.7 on the air sik radio and rfd900P 1.9 on the ground for the rfd900.

    I attached a screenshot of 3dr config and mission planner after loading settings, you can see in 3dr config the settings are the same on both, but still they won't connect.

    If you found a solution to this problem PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know, I'm at a dead end right now.


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