Robotic Blimp

Hey guys. I want to build a robotic blimp. I'm not talking about no traditional, torpedo shaped blimp. I'm talking about the blimp of the future. I have a very maneuverable design and control layout already. It's currently old school rc. I want to give it brains now. The only problem is that I have no experience programming a PixHawk, and no programming experience at all! The blimp is totally different from any other aircraft so a model will have to be built from the ground up. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting started with this? "Learn to code" you may say. That will take too long. "Hire a programmer" you are probably thinking. You're on the right track. I dont need any old programmer. I need a programmer who has lots of experience building this type of thing, and the passion to work on it! 

If anyone is interested please let me know. I'm happy to show you what I have built so far.

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