I've got a Pixhawk, 3DR GPS, a pair of modems, and all the cables purchase last summer. What I'd like to do is build an Iris+ or X8 but it seems that 3DR doesn't sell everything you'd need to be able to do this. Or the DIY products already include the Pixhawk components. I contacted 3DR to ask if I can order an Iris+ without the parts I have and they said no. I may end up putting the parts I have up on Ebay but it just seems silly that you can't get all/only the parts you need. Or am I wrong.
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I am working on a conversion from Y6 to X8 now. Discussion here...
Converting 3drobotics Y6 with APM to Tarot 650 X8 with Pixhawk
You can easily build an X8 from RotorBits parts.
Mine uses t-motor 3110 motors and 12" props. Can lift 1.5kg and fly for 15 minutes with 6s 10ah. Much better performance and efficiency than iris.
Full disclosure: I invented rotorbits so may be biased ;p
Hi Nikola, I'm at the same juncture with my own equipment. Seems like most 3DR suppliers are out of stock for the Quad Frame Kit (2014) so I'll probably finish this build with a non-3DR frame then get a stock IRIS+.