RollPitchYaw demo

I played with the RollPitchYaw demo, and don't understand the results.I supposed it's a kind of IMU and the servos represent the current position in Earth reference system. But it either doesn't or I misunderstood something.I did the test without the GPS - I supposed it should work except some drift. Maybe it's not the case?After startup the X and Y servos went to middle, the Z was off, so I turned the board until Z went to middle too. I supposed now the board is at 0,0,0 according to the reference system. The Z drift was next to nothing.OK, in this position the servos react to the turns around the axis, one only for each axis, that's what I supposed, fine.servo_ch1 sensitive to Y turnservo_ch2 sensitive to X turnservo_ch3 sensitive to Z_turnNext test, from this 0,0,0 neutral position I turned the board around the Y axis until X axis points straight up.servo_ch1 went to fullservo_ch2 sensitive to Z turnservo_ch3 sensitive to X turnI think I understand it, Z and X replaced, fine.Next test, I turned the board from the neutral position around X axis until Y axis points straight up.servo_ch2 went full (OK)non of the servos sensitive to turns around the Y axis (why?)both servo_ch1 and servo_ch3 equally sensitive to turns around the Z axis (why?)I think it can't be OK, because if non of the servos are sensitive to the turns around Y axis, it means that different board positions resulted in equal servo outputs, so clearly impossible to tell the board position from the output values.Please, help me understand the situation.Jozsef

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  • Sorry for the above, after RTFM I clearly understand it. :-)))

    It's just 3 value from the 9 of the matrix. While 3 independent value is enough for the position, it's just not such 3...

    Sorry again.
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