After the update to 1.3.11 our telemetry radio RSSI values are gone? They just show zero, another PC with 1.3.10 shows the values normally. Anyone else getting this?
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After the update to 1.3.11 our telemetry radio RSSI values are gone? They just show zero, another PC with 1.3.10 shows the values normally. Anyone else getting this?
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Also after the update to 1.3.11 remrssi and rssi missing from Tuning windows in the map view
the other values are working though?
Yes everything else works that I can see, although the compass calibration for planes is very short and finishes after only 2 or 3 sides have been rotated but that's another issue.
I have 1.3.11 installed on one PC and 1.3.10 installed on another, RSSI values are zero in 1.3.11.
Uninstalled 1.3.11 and reinstalled 1.3.10 and the RSSI values are back