RTL Question

When I engage RTL, the manual says it returns to the point or origin (home)

But it says nothing about what altitude it goes to. When I tried RTL, I flew 30m away from my

home position, my altitude was about 5m. It took off back to the home postion but also increased altitude to the point where I had to change back to stabilize to bring it back to a visible altitude.


Is there a set altitude for the RTL or should it be the same as the altitude you had when you engaged RTL?


Thanks :)



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  • Moderator

    This is sort of funny because my RTL  experience with 2.0.39b was that RTL started flying away from me, and eventually into a wall unfortunately.

  • Moderator

    I believe that Jason wrote somewhere in the 2.0.40 discussions that the default RTL is 8m

  • Developer

    The default height is 8m and is settable in the Mission Planner. You should also be able to set it in the Params list (note it's stored internally in CM!).

    If the value is set to 0, it will maintain current altitude.


    Be sure to disarm and re-arm your quad after a while to reset the barometer. As that part heats up from current flow, it needs recalibrating.



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