Posted by Sean Whitney on November 14, 2012 at 3:52pm
I am just curious with some other systems out there you can set a timer so after that timer runs out the helicopter or whatever AC would just RTL. Is there a way to do that in Mission Planner?
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Can't do that at the moment although it wouldn't be difficult to add. Still, I guess the point is that you want it to come back before your battery runs out? A more directly solution might be to get a voltage + current sensor. I'm reworking the failsafe code at the moment and it includes an RTL when the battery capacity is reached or voltage drops below a configurable threshold.
Can't do that at the moment although it wouldn't be difficult to add. Still, I guess the point is that you want it to come back before your battery runs out? A more directly solution might be to get a voltage + current sensor. I'm reworking the failsafe code at the moment and it includes an RTL when the battery capacity is reached or voltage drops below a configurable threshold.