RTL turns on automatically

Major problem. Whenever I turn my copter on and fly it for about 10-15 secs it will automatically try to RTL. I have Failsafe turned off and fully charged batteries. I have also not hit any switches or anything on the TX. Once it goes into RTL mode I cannot control it, even if I switch into Acro mode. I have refreshed from scratch and same thing happens. When I take off I am in Stabilize mode. HELP I am tired of damaging/ crashing this copter. I have 2 other copters and have never had this problem.

Thank you

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  • Your batteries may not be too good anymore. Are they puffed up, or do they still feel hard to the touch?  At the same time in this log, you only started with nominal voltage, so they weren't charged. Or, if the charger said they did, it's possible one of your cells is pretty much dead.

    The giant circle is probably due to compass calibration issues and is called the "toilet bowling" effect. You can search for that on diydrones for other people having the same issue. Did you calibrate the compass correctly?  It's really important, because multirotors use that when in gps mode to determine which way to turn.


  • It sounds like your radio does go into failsafe. If you have telemetry, what does your flight data screen say?

    The easiest thing you can do is attach the copter (without attaching battery) on the laptop and get the flight data screen out, the one which shows DISARMED/ARMEd and failsafe statuses. Then arm the craft with the radio and walk away for a range test. Then a buddy of yours can check if it switches into RTL or not.

    Also, even though the motors don't do anything, the board things it's flying as soon as it's armed. Instead of flying the copter around, you can walk around with the radio, actioning the controls a bit to see if there are states where it fails.

    Next question: is geofence on?  From the place where you arm (HOME) to the geofence setting, I think it's 100m before it hits the boundary where it starts to want to get back. So if you set this to something pretty limited (130m?), you may hit the geofence already and this could cause RTL or land behavior.

    When a mode switch occurs, you should flick the switch to some other mode and then back into stabilize. If the radio works (no failsafe) and you're in the geofence area, you should get control back.

  • 3D Robotics

    How do you know it's going into RTL? As always, please include logs so others can diagnose your issue -- it's nearly impossible to help without those. 

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