Running 6S on 3-4S rated motor


Wanted to know what is the risk with such set up. I have a 6S battery that I would like to use but the 580KV SunnySky motors are rated for 3S-4S. Can I balance this requirement with smaller props (lower Current). Is it safe and is it possible that's my question.

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  • Moderator

    Technically you can use almost any reasonable voltage so long as you don't exceed the power rating. So (very simply) you could use 3S at 40A or 6S at 20A, both will theoretically produce 444W (11.1Vx40A or 22.2Vx20A).

    As you mentioned (with planes) the way to reduce current and thus power is to reduce prop size but in copters weight makes a big difference, so a 6S 2500mAh battery could be used instead of a 3S 5000mAh battery for roughly the same weight. The prop size should also be reduced.

    Of course, some ESC's are only rated to 4S and any other components that can't run on the higher voltage like the 4S only 3DR Power Module have to be taken into account.

    • Thanks Graham,

      That was my understanding as well. I wanted to make sure. Because just like a transformer a winding is VA rated. That's watts so power. And did not understand why manufacturers specify voltage since an increase in current alone increases power. I thought maybe also the speed has something to do with a potential premature mechanical failure of the bearings with higher voltage.

      To really know if its safe, I have to experiment with different props/weight and batteries.



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