RX inputs bad?

I transferred my APM 2.5.2 from one of my quads to a foam wing I built. Want to do some waypoint guided photography stuff. Flashed the APM with ArduPlane 3.0.3 and everything went fine. I had initially set the wing up without the APM to get it dialed in and get used to the flight characteristics, 5 flights or so and it was fine. I added my APM and hooked everything up correctly and it seems like AIL and ELE are swapped some how. Bypass APM and everything is fine. I've tried powering up in FBW-A, Manual, and Stabilize and get the same results. I've got two models created on my TX one with an elevon mix setup and one without. Both produce the same results. In Mission Planner I've selected Elevons on the radio calibrate screen and each of the other Elevon settings in various combinations while testing trying to eliminate that as an issue.

My setup:

60" Zagnutz flying wing

Skywalker 40A ESC


6x5 folding prop setup as a pusher

2100 3s Lipo

TX - Turnigy 9x v2 flashed with er9x v813

Rx - Turnigy 9x v2 8 channel

APM 2.5.2 w/PWM - UBlox GPS - Telemetry - Boscam 5.8ghz Video tx

 Am I missing something? Is there someplace in MissionPlanner that you define default channel orders?

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  • I found the RCMAP Params and they are correct. I swapped them as a test and no change in behavior. I'm going to erase the APM from the CLI and reload the firmware.

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