Looking to set up a really stable system for filming our orchestra.
We were inspired by the stability of Marco's set up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5q1iM6_37U 

We only have experience with smaller commercial drones and are looking to hire an expert to help us set this custom system.  

If you're interested let us know, thanks!

Our orchestra

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  • Hi

    looks like a great place.

    But as Darrell said: quite dangerous to fly within several meters to a larger crowd with "haevy equipment" in their hands and few posssibilities to evade if something goes the wrong way ;)

    if you are interested in building yourself, here are some blog entries were I started a build log of my s900 with a pixhawk:


    I guess this place on your picture is nowhere near europe?



  • Unless I'm missing some information it would probably be best to do this with a cable cam. Operating a multirotor that close to people would be extremely dangerous and a huge risk. 

    • Thanks Darrell! We are doing the shoots outdoor, no plans to do anything above a crowd or people and locations like this make it hard to do a cable cam. 

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