Saving Mission Log

Hi Michael,

I'm much appreciative of your Planner, but have a small problem, my own I suppose.

Now, I normally spend a lot of time setting up the aircraft, the computer, the link, which implies that I have up 6 or 7 logs now auto downloaded.

I really would appreciate the old function where I could select what mission log to record and save, this I normally did once everything was sorted, and my 'plane parked on the runway, ready for TO.

Since I'm still in the learning phase, all my flights have a unique time/date type name.





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  • 3D Robotics

    Gustav: you've now asked this question about five times and I've answered it the same each time. That function is STILL THERE, right where it always was (see below). As for the MAVLink logs, they're all autorecorded now, by popular demand. They're all in your folder waiting for you, no effort required. We're certainly have no plans to turn off this popular feature.



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