SBus RX power from Pixhawk

I'm not certain this is the correct place for this question but here goes..

After a crash and identified ESC fault All ESC have been replaced on the Octo.

The replacement ESC are Opto so the pixhawk is being powered purely by the pixhawk power module.

My RX is a futaba Sbus - It's plugged in the RC port.

When I connect USB everything powers up as expected including the RX and it works and calibrates however when I remove USB the RX power is lost - Everything else is fine.

Is there a software parameter to power the RX that needs to be turned on ?

Why is there no power to the RC in port when powered from the power module ?

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  • That's funny.  I have an X8R just plugging into the RC in port and it's powered just fine.

    I use a 4 in 1 ESC with nothing plugged into the plus side of the rail.

    Must have blown the fuse.

    • Yes, rc port should have power, but,does the 5V power to the rail feed the rc port allso ?. I must have been thinking it wrong, because i thought that it is not.
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