Securing Gear to Servo solution

Well, after blitzing my 3rd servo while testing (learning) my BlimpDuino card I finally figured out a good way to attach the big gear to the servo.

The problem has always been that the Lego gear is Lego specific and never fit nicely on any servo.

The first step is to create a decent hole in the gear so an axle of some sort can be inserted and secured. I used a Dremel and a small grinder bit as a drill bit simply grabbed the odd part of the gear and damaged the gear. [Thanks Chris for the new ones]  The grinder bit really didn't bore a hole, it burned it through. A Exacto cleans up the shavings.

Item next is to use the extra attachment pieces that come with every new servo. I used a 4-way connector and a 2-way connector bar. The 4-way is pushed into the new hole in the gear. A drop of CA is all it takes to create a solid platform.
Next the 2-way bar connector is put on the servo. Then, the gear 4-way piece can be screwed onto the servo. The two servo connector are back to back. Line up the 4-way piece to the 2-way piece and put a drop of CA at each end and you have a solid connection.
Finally, remove the gear assembly from servo and clip off the extra portion of the 2-way connector.
Here are photos:

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