Seeking Turnigy 9xr Experts

  I am new to multirotors (obviously) and I need some help with my Turnigy 9xr for my new Y6b with pixhawk. I will try to explain as concisely as I can. I ended up with a mode 1 transmitter that has the throttle on the right. Obviously this needed changing so I physically changed the springs and tensioners inside the transmitter. To be clear, I did NOT swap the sticks, just the springs and tiny parts. This went very well and I assumed that I could simply change the transmitter to mode 2 in the menu and it would work fine. That did not happen. It seems that this has somehow changed my left stick to RUD/ELE and the right stick to THR/AIL. To arm the copter I have to position both sticks down and right. it also means that my throttle is spring loaded and that is no fun.

  Im sure this is a simple fix for experienced folks but that is just not me. I really dont want to mess anything up. It came calibrated and assembled and was working very well except for the throttle being on the right. Do I have to reprogram channels, or change the channel order or start from scratch?

  Help would be supremely appreciated.  I posted similarly in the Y6 owners thread but this is likely more of a transmitter related issue.

  Thanks in advance and lets get my Multirotor in the air! I have been practicing for months now on a Blade Nano QX3D and now I want to step it up into the big(ger) league.

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