Send me pictures of your workshop

Hey there. I'm a writer for and am working on a series called "Where the Magic Happens." I have my heart set on finding someone in this community to feature. If you have a cool workshop or studio/garage where the AUV-building magic happens, please send some pictures my way!

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  • My simple workbench:




  • This is where all the manufacturing takes place :)
    Crude yet very efficiant.



  • Wow, I am both impressed, and envious!

    (But, how to get acceptance from wifes -or girlfiendes for decorating rooms like that?)

  • 221586_10100673622452385_956320074_o.jpg?width=600563548_10100646751516955_1522881157_n.jpg?width=600


  • Hello I am calling from france and I wish to send you a picture of our workshop. We have a 500m2 where we have to setup all the different area. We have some update to bring to it after what we will be able to send you pictures. Tell me more to who you want to share this pictures and how you will share it ? A blog , a site , tv , magazin ?

    PLease do not disclose this picture yet ,although they are not so interesting, and because we will send you new pictures soon of our updated setup.

    We are waiting on you for more details

    I appreciate your implication and thanks for your support.


  • 3692482100?profile=original


  • 3692481917?profile=original

  • 3692481479?profile=original

  • In between builds and tweaking.. the levels of messiness increases as something is being build decreases as it stabilizes until i decide to take it apart :). First one is my lab/workshop all hardware and electronics happens there and below is where they get tweaked or get firmware updates..


  • Troubleshooting a power problem in my X8 with the Align DS610 digital servos.


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