Seraphi quadcopter

I have purchased a seraphi p quadcopter 5 months ago and have not been able to got it at all. It is a RTF model with gps,compass. I had noticed one motor did not turn on start up sometimes, and did an esc calibration. But after a while it stopped turning all together. The company send me motor and esc to replace myself and I calibrated it, tried to fly and it kept on flipping over. Then I plugged it to mission planner and tied the compass and acceleration calibration, which did not help. I tried to reinstalled the Quadcopter firmware and ever since the mavlink does not connect,says hear eat packettenot found, does nah hone know anything I can do,thanks

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                • As I said....I watched the video....the method demonstrated to start the quad (arm the motors) is not the same as what the ArduCopter software uses.  That made me question if it was running ArduCopter firmware.  

                  And for what it is worth, 3.1.1 AC is not the latest firmware.

                  Have you tried accessing the board using Mission Planner's terminal mode?  

                  • thanks again for your time, I did try terminal and trying to connect with my port settings , and says
                    INit Arducopter V3.2
                    Free ram ;1824
                    FW Ver ; 120
                    Load all took 62064 us
                    ,,,,,but that's it, I can't do any tests command lines,nothing

                    Which version is the latest,it downloads automatically,you have something else, or any other ideas would be appreciated, this is what I deserve for buying offshore junk I guess,thanks
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