Hello everyone!
We equipped an easy-star with an ArduPilot (with Shield V2) and AttoPilot XYZ IR-sensors, ArduPilot software 2.5 and 2.6 was used. We are using a HITEC optic6sport transmitter and a HITEC HFS-05MS receiver.
The problem is that when we change into the stabilization mode the servos begin to jitter (rudder more than the elevator). The jittering is also transmitted via modem to the ground control station (jittering in bank and pitch).
We tried out with different servos and another ArduPilot board and Shield – but without success. Also the IR-sensors were disconnected to ensure that the jittering isn’t induced by the sensors but the sensors seem to be ok. We detected that when only one servo is connected to the board the behaviour is getting better. Power supply is also ok.
Are there any ideas what the problem is?
Thanks very much.