Setting up Arducopter Failsafe

Hello All,


When I lose RC contact, or shut the Tx off, I want my quad to RTL.


Loiter alt hold seems good enough to keep me off the ground while it comes back, and it's definitely a high-priority item.  ;)


As I look through events.pde, it looks like it's all commented out and just refers to the mode switch.


Has anyone some up with a good RTL yet on AC2?





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  • Developer


    There are two failsafes : (more precisely three inside APM code, but only two in ACM, because the PPM encoder failsafe is not usable with a multicopter)


    The first one is the one of your radio receiver. If you need RTL, just program the CH5 failsafe in your receiver so that it output the PWM value you are using for RTL. For example pos5 = 1815 us.


    Next if ACM board does not receive PWM signal on CH5, then mode is defaulted to pos3.

    Can be usefull with some receivers. With my Hitec receiver, failsafe mode give programmed failsafe value on outputs during first 25 seconds, then cut PWM outputs. This does give you a two stages failsafe.


    1165    pos0
    1295    pos1
    1425    pos2
    1555    pos3 -> no PWM signal failsafe
    1685    pos4
    1815    pos5


    For example you can program your receiver failsafe for pos4 with alt_hold, and use pos3 for RTL. Doing this, you will get alt-hold for first 25 sec. and next you will get RTL.


    The second one is the failsafe inside ACM code. It is more powerfull as you can program what you want.

    It is triged by CH3 = 900 us (Throttle). But you are right it is commented.


    You will find it at three places :


    radio.pde (void throttle_failsafe(uint16_t pwm)

    system.pde (void set_failsafe(boolean mode)

    events.pde (void failsafe_on_event() and void failsafe_off_event())


    Eventually you can design your own code here or copy the APM code and adapt it for ACM.


    As the actual ACM code is beta, do not think that failsafe will save your model life everytime if something goes wrong. It could even do the opposite because RTL is certainly quite untested (new code for PID navigation between WPs needs to be released to get safe navigation).


    At least one user has reported overshoots at WP, and he reported that he got a crash because of added wind.

    He adviced to use CH6 to adjust speed between WP, but in your case it would not be possible because in failsafe radio link is cut.


    So before testing RTL, i would wait at least ACM release candidate status.



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