Hi all, 

I have been struggling setting up Pixhawk for a small sized quadcopter with high kv/response motor/esc equipment as below and would like to share my experience with you guys.

Motor: FR1806-2300KV from RCTimer

ESC: K18A ESC(KISS ESC18A) 2-4S also from RCTimer

  - Above ESC has jumper to switch between High speed and normal operation mode.

  -  I set the jumper to normal mode.

Pixhawk is updated with latest f/w and reported as below.

PX4: 34e1d543 NuttX: 7c5ef883
APM:Copter V3.3.3 (acf2e10c)

First try: Copter completely uncontrollable right after throttle up at Stabilized mode.

Full ESC calibration and Radio calibration again

Second try: Same. Motor speed diverge and uncontrollable.

Reducing PID : No effect. Copter jumps and uncontrollable.

Finally working setup:

I found high response esc has very steep response to its pwm input. So my guess is reducing the range and response might solve this issue. 

Change I made.

On mission planner, go to CONFIG/TUNING tab and open Full Parameter Tree

Go to MOT section and change following items

MOT_THST_MAX to 0.4 (was 0.95) which means PX will use only 40% of the full range of throttle.

MOT_THST_EXPO to 0.5 (was around 0.65) 

With above setup the copter finally get stabilized and fully controllable.

I know I may give up some additional power from the motor but I don't need that much of power for most of my project. 

So now I am happy about it. 

More detailed description is on my blog here http://kyubot.tistory.com/69

Hope this helps you to solve similar problem with setting up PX


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