Setup and configuration Headache

Ok for the past few weeks I've been trying to get my Quadcopter working.  However I've been having issues getting my configuration and setup working...


Mainly I'm getting stuck at this point unless I install the SIM firmware.


As  you can see it seems to have loaded the code but its not giving my the ability to input any commands via the terminal.  This occurs both in the latest APM Planner and the latest version of Arduino.  Any ideas?  This is for a school project so I'm on a time crunch.  Note: this also happens outside when there should be no issues with the GPS even if for some reason its on.


Also related to set up is how to calibrate and control my copter. The building I'm working in has little to no ability to obtain a GPS lock. because of this I modified the APM_config.h file with GPS_PROTOCOL_NONE and it seems to compile and run fine. But no way of knowing for sure unless I just did it right.   Also Its my goal to use an XBox controller as control rather then RC. I've gotten 2 Xbee modules and adapters via and still need to set them up but Can I use the Xbox controller for setup? Or must I either obtain a 7 channel RC or go about another method?


Any input would be appriciated. I'm in the dark on this whole thing at this point.

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  • Also if you have a mag installed, remove it and try again or recheck your solder connections to the mag.

  • 3D Robotics

    You've got a hardware problem with your IMU board (probably a soldering error, or you've plugged your GPS into the wrong port). The reason the SIM code works is that it's not trying to access your sensors. 

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