Should the latest be used?

So I guess 2.7 is the latest Ardupilot software.


For a first-time user is it 'best' to use the latest? Or should I start with a tried-and-true version that may not have the latest add on?

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  • Hi, I'm just starting to get acquainted with ArduPilot and it seems there is an error everytime I change the #define DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM 0 to anything other than 0 in order to test individual components. This happens when I used ArduPilot v 2.7. I'm wondering whether its something to do with my program or could there be a glitch in the code? When i tried to upload it it says that 'imu_health is not declared in this scope'.. Appreciate any guidance on this! Thanks!
  • 3D Robotics
    Yes, use the latest.
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