signal quality of mavlik xgyro versus rollspeed

I have been plotting mavlink_attitude rollspeed and pitchspeed as well as mavlink_IMU signals xgyro and ygyro and find that the ___speed variables to be very noisy whereas the _gyro signals are very clean. Yawspeed and zgyro are both low noise. Is it possible that the calculations for pitch and rollspeed are incorrect? Or is this to be expected?

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  • I think I can answer my own question - the attitude packets (rollspeed and pitchspeed) are coming over to Mission Planner five times more often (10 times/sec) than the raw_imu data (twice a sec) - the noise is so high a frequency that the plots of xgyro and ygyro just look smoother. I guess then the question is why is there so much gyro noise when simply moving the APM by hand smoothly?


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