SimonK ESC stuck in program mode?

I recently bought a set of four cheap ESC running SimonK firmware. (Brand is 'Andoer', bought off Amazon - yes, I realise this was a mistake)

I successfully calibrated the throttle ranges on my F450 quad with Spektrum DX8/AR8000. (High throttle, one beep, low throttle two beeps)

However I am now stuck with the ESCs doing nothing other than a regular single beep. No initial beep on power up, although I get the starting tune there is no beep). Then after 5 seconds or so a single beep comes on and is repeated.

I have done a lot of reading but can't see a solution, and this is a common newbie question/problem. I think I might be stuck in program mode maybe? (Transmitter program mode)

Any clues/hints/tips? Apart of the obvious advice to pay the money and get proper ESCs!


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  • My testing setup is just:



    So no flight controller at this stage. Just trying to get the basics working

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