Simple and Super Simple modes not working


I have my first quadcopter, it has an AMP 2.8 and Taranis TX/RX.  It is all working well except the simple and super simple modes.

Ch 5 is set to Stabilize, Loiter and Alt hold, all work as expected, for each I have set Simple mode( I have moved from flying fixed wing for many years)

Ch 7 is set to select Super simple mode and Ch 8 is set to RTL.  RTL works as expected and is very useful.

The problem is that simple and super simple don't work at all, relying on me to observe the orientation of my quadcopter.

Have I missed something in the set up ?  As RTL is working, I must be picking up GPS.  I fly in a large sports field with nothing around it.

Can anyone offer advice as to the problem?

Thanks in advance

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