Hallo, I have mounted on my Quadcopter with AMP1 a sparkfun magentometer.
with all Version in 2.0* the copter is showing right in MP on the map who it stands in realaty for example to North.
Since I update to 2.1* and now to 2.2* the copter stand 180 deg so if the copter shows to north in realety the copter looks in mp to south.
But I have nothing changed on the copter the mag is mouted as befor this pins forward and components down.
Take a look aon hte picture.
I have huge problems in Loiter!! Doday I give in da dectionation of 182.15 instead of 2.15 and the copter flys perfekt in loiter.
Simple mode works in eavry version right.
If I use 2.0* it works right and is also shown right in MP!!!
Do anybody else with a sparkfun mag have this probem??
Ok I now take a look on the magnetormeters and in the code.
One Question, If I compare the SF 5883L and the 5843
I see this to coordinate systems and the pins are on the same position:
In the AP_Compass_HMC5843.cpp
I finde this:
the 5883L has a different orientation to the 5843. This allows us to
use a single MAG_ORIENTATION for both
static void rotate_for_5883L(AP_VarS<Matrix3f> *_orientation_matrix)
_orientation_matrix->set_and_save(_orientation_matrix->get() * Matrix3f(ROTATION_YAW_90));
Should it not be: ROTATION_YAW_180???
Because If I rotat the Coordinat system on the top picture I see it´s 180 deg´s