Hi all, i'm Alex from France,
It's my first UAV, i'm trying to fly an home made 600mm quad based on Super-H 600 Chassis and 12" on DYS BE3806 (630k) motors.
I'm at my second flight, still checking if basic controls and response works ok, sticking in LOITER mode atm.
It flies well in this mode, very stable, and quite responsive... i even increased max loiter speed to 10m/s, and it's permorming great !
Everything is ok but one single thing : is starts wobbling as crasy as soon as i try to change heading to the right... it turns ok when trying to change heading to the left !
I captured this magic moment in a full log file of the flight... joined...
A very speaking moment is at index 44400 when i try to head right up to index 46700 : big wobbles
... then to the left from 46700 to 47200 : great result, fast turnaround, everything is OK
Here is GyrX and GyrY while using CH4 to change heading :
Can anybody help me on knowing where to check for this problem...
I can't understand what could cause this on one side, and not on another, and only on heading !
Please help ! I'd really like to start Stabilize mode, but this behaviour makes me fear it !