I keep getting an error when setting up the SITL simulator on Raspbian OS.
Everything installs fine but except, it seems like I can't enable libraries inside of the jbsim folder.
cd jsbsim ---> Works fine
git pull ---> says I'm up to date
./autogen.sh --enable-libraries ---> says it needs libtool but libtool is there. Apt-get update says all g
make ---> of course can't even get to this point
So after running those...
I go back to run
sim_vehicle.sh -w ---> seems fine
then I run...
sim_vehicle.sh --console --map --aircraft test
No good. Says jbsim error.
Which sends me back to the step to correct that error as outlined in the setup manual.
My goal is to have a working SITL/HITL on a Raspberry Pi 2. Mainly for portability and low power consumption. The best place for me to test my drone builds is going to be in a remote spot with a generator but main power is from a car battery. The raspberry pi is also flexible enough to handle some GCS development tasks and make it easier to incorporate those developments into larger designs.Also a portable simulator that works in most televisions is great for advanced planning and demonstration among teams. I hope that this can work. It'd be a great little in between device for different systems and ground control stations to prepare data for real missions.
Any help would be super appreciated?
Try installing libtool-bin - worked for me
sudo apt-get install libtool-bin