Sizing servo for steering

Been trying to implement ackerman steering with a pixhawk but using two motors one on each wheel instead of a linkage. Not having much luck so considering other ways to accomplish this. Problem is my rover weighs about 40lbs has big tires and will require a bit of torque. The motors I'm using are 12v 1300oz in at stall torque. They work fine but even though I have encoders on them and excellent controllers (Roboteq 2130N) I can't seem to keep them in sync. So I'm wondering how to size a single motor for this task instead and go to a linkage to move the wheels. I'd like to keep the 2 motor drive because it allows sideways motion if I put them on the rear wheels too. As you can see in the 2nd image with two motors you can rotate into this position for sideways or actually any angle motion. This is my first try at something other than a kit. The rover controller is a pixhawk with a nvidia TX1 companion computer. I really need ackerman steering too. The rover being fairly long doesn't skid steer worth a flip. Puts a ton of stress on the carbon frame members too. So if anyone has experience syncing up a pair of motors for steering I could sure use some of your expertise.




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